Securing Tomorrow By Promoting Sustainability
Most organizations around the globe are now working on different methods to Reduce CO2 emissions, and one of the most effective ways to do that is by recycling the wastes. A reduced carbon emission can boost the global economy, maintain healthy biodiversity, and people will be able to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. We help you save costs while meeting the sustainability goals by converting waste into RDF fuel. We can suggest effective strategies to safely dump nonrecyclables and use commercial wastes to produce a perfect fuel substitute to meet zero carbon emission goals. Furthermore, we can also help companies reduce their waste disposal in landfills. SR2’s unique project will help Thailand to attain the desired progress to meet the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Global warming is one of the most critical environmental problems
that humankind is facing. Municipal solid waste management is marked as one of five serious
environmental problems in Thailand. In this regard, production and utilization of refuse derived fuel (RDF)
can positively contribute to both global and local environment.
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